
The Servant Problem this part of the world, most people’s monthly pay amounts to what we spent on dinner last night, and upward mobility isn’t even a concept. If you’re born into an affluent and privileged family you can assume you’ll get a good education, and eventually a good job (which may or may not involve any actual work).
And if not, not.

Who’s in the Zoo?

Geoffrey Bawa was a genius. But even geniuses make mistakes…and Geoffrey overlooked the monkeys. These monkeys have no fear of people. Also, they quite like our stuff. If you venture outside, particularly onto the roof garden, they may leap onto you from behind just to see if they can shake something loose.

The Search for Authenticity

How do you tell the good, authentic local restaurants from the tourist traps? It’s not always easy…but first, be sure authenticity is what you’re really after. Give yourself a break: there are times when even the most experienced traveller just needs comfort food — a sandwich, a burger, a bowl of soup. And frankly, there are places where the local food is just plain awful.

Star Crazy

…someone had the brilliant idea of promoting Heron as a 5-star resort. There have probably been worse ideas in the history of the world (invading Iraq; investing with Bernie Madoff) but this one was right up there.